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Have you ever taken a close look at paper money? 每一个你.S. bill has the words "Federal Reserve Note" imprinted across the top.

But many individuals may not know why the bill is issued by the Federal Reserve and what role the Federal Reserve plays in the 经济. 让我们来看看里面的情况.

The Federal Reserve, often referred to as "the Fed," is the country's central bank. It was founded by Congress in 1913 to provide the nation with a safer, 更灵活的, 更稳定的货币和金融体系. 在其成立之前,美国政府.S. 经济 was plagued by frequent episodes of panic, bank failures, and limited credit.1

美联储在美国经济中扮演着四个主要角色.S. 经济.


除了它的其他职责, the Fed has been given three mandates with the 经济: maintaining maximum employment, 保持物价稳定, 保持适度, 长期利率.1

It's important to remember that the Fed cannot directly control employment, 通货膨胀, 或者长期利率. 而, it uses a number of tools at its disposal to influence the availability and cost of money and credit. 这, 反过来, influences the willingness of consumers and businesses to spend money on goods and services.

例如, if the Fed maneuvers short-term interest rates lower, 借钱的成本降低了, 人们可能会被激励去消费. Consumer spending may stimulate economic growth, which may cause companies to produce more products and potentially increase employment. 当短期利率较低时, the Fed closely monitors economic activity to watch for signs of rising prices.

另一方面, 如果美联储推高短期利率, 借钱变得更加昂贵, 人们的消费动力可能会减弱. 这 may, 反过来, slow economic growth and cause companies to decrease employment. When short-term rates are high, the Fed must watch for signs of a decline in overall price levels.


The Fed establishes and enforces the regulations that banks, 储蓄与贷款, 信用合作社也必须效仿. It works with other federal and state agencies to ensure these financial institutions are financially sound and consumers are receiving fair and equitable treatment. 当一个组织被发现有问题时, the Fed uses its authority to have the organization correct the problems.


The Fed maintains the stability of the 金融体系 by providing payment services. 在财政紧张时期, the Fed is authorized to step in as a lender of last resort, providing liquidity to an individual bank or the entire banking system. 例如, the Fed may step in and offer to buy the government bonds owned by a particular bank. By doing so, the Fed provides the bank with money that it can use for its own purposes.

银行银行家,美国.S. 政府

The Fed provides financial services to banks and other depository institutions as well as to the U.S. 政府直接. 对银行, 储蓄与贷款, 还有信用合作社, it maintains accounts and provides various payment services, 包括收集支票, 电子转账, 分配新资金, 并接收和销毁旧的, 的钱. 对联邦政府来说, 美联储向财政部支付支票, 处理电子支付, 和问题, 转移, 并赎回U.S. 政府证券.

Each day, the Fed is behind the scenes supporting the 经济 and providing services to the U.S. 金融体系. And while the Fed's duties are many and varied, its focus is to maintain confidence in banking institutions.


The Federal Reserve System consists of 12 independent banks that operate under the supervision of a federally appointed Board of Governors in Washington, D.C. Each of these banks works within a specific district, as shown.



1. 会上.政府,2023

The content is developed from sources believed to be providing accurate information. The information in this material is not intended as tax or legal advice. It may not be used for the purpose of avoiding any federal tax penalties. 请咨询法律或税务专业人士 for specific information regarding your individual situation. 这 material was developed and produced by love爱博体育app下载 to provide information on a topic that may be of interest. FMG套房不隶属于命名 broker-dealer, state- or SEC-registered investment advisory firm. 所表达的意见和 所提供的资料仅供一般参考, and should not be considered a solicitation for the purchase or 出售任何证券. 版权 love爱博体育app下载.


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